Revue d’Economie Théorique et Appliquée ISSN : 1840-7277
Volume 13 – Numéro 2 – Décembre 2023. pp. 219-237 eISSN : 1840-751X
Expérimentation du tabagisme chez les adolescents scolarisés et facteurs associés dans la Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest (CEDEAO)
Malb Ama N’Danida YAGNINIM Laboratoire de Recherche en Sciences Économiques et de Gestion-Université de Kara |
Martine AUDIBERT CERDI-CNRS, FERDI, Clermont-Ferrand |
Mots-clés : Expérimentation de la cigarette ; prix de la cigarette ; mesures de lutte antitabac.
Cigarette smoking experimentation of adolescents attending school and factors associated in Economic Community of West African States
Summary: This paper analyzes the factors associated with cigarette smoking experimentation of adolescents attending school in 10 countries of Economic Community of West African States. To that end, we used a logit model and data (2000-2009) from the Global Youth Tobacco Survey. Findings show that the high price of cigarettes is associated with low odds of cigarette experimentation among all age groups of adolescents. Moreover, parental smoking, peer pressure, and pro-tobacco messages are associated with higher odds of adolescent cigarette experimentation. Higher exposure to pro-tobacco messages through film actors on television is associated with a higher risk of experimenting with cigarettes among adolescents aged under 12 and those over 15.
Keywords: Cigarette experimentation; cigarette price; tobacco control measures.
JEL Classification: I12 - P36
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